In the contemporary world, it is highly impossible to create a classless society. This is because in every society, class divisions emanate from factors such as wealth, religion, and caste. Moreover, certain habits create classes. Although communist philosophers advocated for
the creation of a classless society, citing it as a modern idea and a solution for many social problems, many flaws exist in their ideas, as it is completely hard for a government to take care of all the needs of the people. Furthermore, the impossibility of creating a classless society stems from people exhibiting differences in intelligence, health, and talent. The aforementioned factors are responsible for the emergence of class and elucidate that the society is bound to have classes.
The American dream
The American dream is a reference to ideals, which propagate that freedom, entails opportunities for success and prosperity, which are achieved after hard work. It is a philosophy, which seeks to make every individuals life better and richer and increasing peoples opportunities in accordance to their achievements and abilities, notwithstanding their social classes. The American dream is expanded to include achievements such as meaningful relationships and fulfillment with individuals who manage to achieve the American dream being labeled as living the dream. However, the American dream is not a reality because of the structure of the American society, which prevents the achievement of the idealistic goal by everyone. Moreover, there are inequalities, which are rooted in ethnicity, religion race and class that make the American dream unattainable.
Cause of poverty
Poverty is mainly because of the failure of social and economic structures and not because of personal inadequacies as claimed by many Americans. Insufficient jobs in the economy make it hard for people to emancipate themselves from poverty. Ineffectiveness in the social structures can be highlighted by poor education and disparities in the provision of social amenities, which makes the poor to become poorer while the rich become richer. In case the economy cannot produce jobs that pay well, it will be increasingly hard for the poor to improve their lives.
Poverty due to social forces can be ameliorated through the adoption of the appropriate social-economic policies. These policies include the creation of more employment opportunities and stabilizing the working conditions. Eradication of discrimination, which is also a social factor that increases poverty, can also help to reduce poverty levels. On the other hand, poverty caused by personal inadequacies can be addressed through encouragement of hard work ethics whereby hardworking individuals are rewarded to motivate others. Drug abuse plays a huge role in entrenching poverty and should be addressed. Moreover, since laziness is an individual failing that causes poverty, the government should eradicate unemployment insurance and food stamps, which reinforce individual failings.
Sex and gender
Sex is the distinction between men and women based on their genetic, physical and biological differences while gender is a reference to behaviors, social norms, and activities the society deems appropriate for women and men. This distinction is important as it indicates that sex is based on nature and is fixed while gender is based on culture and is dynamic. Between the two terms, gender is more important as it elaborates more on social expectations of both sexes. Moreover, the socially constructed relationships, opportunities, attributes and roles for male and female are explained by gender.
Gender role
The family, peers, school and the mass media have shaped my gender role greatly. In the family, my father is assertive and sets high standards of accomplishment while my mother is affectionate, and gives praises for tasks well accomplished. Even in the face of difficulties I have been advised to be a strong man. The peers have played a huge role in shaping my gender role through disapproval or approval to influence some of the choices that I make. These choices converge to masculine goals of dominance. The school has also shaped my gender role as it has taught me to be more demanding and to work hard to solve my own problems. Last, the mass media has shaped my gender through masculine programs that emphasize innovation, violence building, and creativity. Of all the above institutions, peers have had a huge impact on my gender role as they have influenced most of my choices in life.
Rape culture
Rape culture is a culture characterized by the perpetration of rape and sexual violence. In this culture, practices and attitudes encourage and tolerate sexual violence through cultural practices that involve blaming the victims of rape and trivializing the crime. The contemporary United States culture is a rape culture due to its role in promoting sexual violence given that it is a key player in entertainment. Moreover, the nature in which rape is condoned in the American culture is revealed by rape is not prohibited but regulated. Men are rarely punished for rape despite the existence of laws against the crime. Furthermore, the women report very few rape cases as most of them never proceed to trial.
Affirmative action
Affirmative action is necessary because although discrimination against the minority has decreased, it has not vanished. Minorities are still subjected to injustices. Among the minorities are the women who do not earn less than men do and are not hired by most of the companies. Black people, alongside other minorities have unemployment rates that are higher that the rates of white people. In the light of this, affirmative action is necessary as it counters the effects of discrimination. On the other hand, affirmative action is not necessary as in the contemporary society; there is a need to cease judging individuals based on their color. Affirmative action does not aid persecuted minorities but harms them as it undermines and defies an individualistic work ethic, which is essential. Moreover, a minority professional maybe highly qualified but the majority may shun him or her on the grounds of benefiting from affirmative action. In my view, affirmative action is not necessary as it punishes innocent non-minority students and workers, most of whom are highly industrious. Furthermore, it is unfair to punish innocent people for atrocities perpetrated by their ancestors.
Theories of prejudice
There are four theories of the origin of prejudice. These are normative theory, scapegoating theory, exploitation theory, and authoritarian personality theory. In normative theory, prejudice is formed from basic socialization experiences with the family, friends, community, and the mass media playing a huge role. An individual can avoid the prejudice formed in this manner by critically evaluating the attitudes, which are created by the aforementioned parties.
In the scapegoating theory, an individual projects the blame for misfortunes and personal shortcomings onto another group. Although this view indicates that prejudice has its roots in human nature, an individual can try to cope with his or her situation rather than putting the blame on others. In the exploitation theory, the conflict in economic interests is the cause of prejudice. However, as opposed to this view, prejudice may not be due to economic reasons as prejudice is oftentimes. In the authoritarian personality theory, prejudice emanates from the tendency to look in to matters based on evil and good, wrong and right. This source of prejudice is baseless as it is created by a punitive and harsh upbringing and only succeeds at making an individual to adopt prejudice on all things.
Voluntary segregation
Minority group members may segregate themselves voluntarily in case they are stigmatized as a vulnerable group, which makes them to withdraw from the culture of their persecutors. This is a form of cultural defense, which provides the necessary solace in the face of discrimination. Voluntary segregation is also necessary due to the racist history, which continues to be propagated in various sectors of the society. Hence, through voluntary segregation, a minority group can find comfort and company.
On the other hand, voluntary segregation is caused by ignorance. Ignorance is to blame for driving the minorities to find solace when in the company of the people from their own race. Moreover, voluntary segregation is an indication that the minorities are not willing to be incorporated into a homogenous culture, which should be the main goal in the contemporary society. There are no intrinsic differences that exist between the minorities and the majority groups and the history of racism should not be the grounds for voluntary segregations, which continues to fuel animosity.

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