Thursday, 7 December 2017


Scenario One
Sanitarium a company that is based in Australia in the foods and beverage industry has one of its brands; So Good Coconut Milk, performing well in the market suggested by the rise in its sales in the last 12 months (Sanitarium, 2015). The company would like to get the insight on who are the consumers, how they use the product, their perception of the product and if the consumers use other products of the company.
Target Respondents
The most ideal respondents for this market research would be the
customers over the last 12 months. These customers could be identified based on the records that are available at the various purchase points for the products as well as those who have subscribed for the online newsletters from the organization. However, even those who have been using the product for a period of not less than four months would be ideal respondents in this case. This could be obtained from the SAP system that has information about the customers all over Australia and their consumption patterns (Sanitarium, 2015).
Research Approach
The best approach for this research would be qualitative research. Qualitative research is more of exploratory and is used to get insights, opinions, underlying reasons, and motivations as well as perceptions (Lapan, Quartaroli, & Riemer, 2012). It gives a deeper and broader understanding of the underlying issues and helps in the formulation of hypothesis should there be need for quantitative research.  The major advantage of qualitative research approach is that the findings that accrue can be used beyond the purpose of the study. Additionally, it also replicates findings that were not planned for (Lapan, Quartaroli, & Riemer, 2012). Therefore to get evidence, the best approach especially in wide market research is to choose this approach. The approach is also iterative in nature meaning that the respondents’ responses determine its flexibility (Lapan, Quartaroli, & Riemer, 2012).
There are many methods to be used under qualitative approach such as focus groups, in-depth interviews and observation. In-depth interviews would be an optimal way to collect data on personal experiences, insights and assumptions (Goertz & Mahoney, 2012). This is the major aim of the research making this an option. However, the associated costs and time consumptions are high given that it takes one hour or more to attend to one respondent (Goertz & Mahoney, 2012). This would attract some incentives that would further elevate costs. The interview questions should be open ended so as to get as much information as possible (Goertz & Mahoney, 2012). Based on the other advantage of the method that the respondents are able to elaborate further, succinct results are likely to be achieved.

Sample Size and Selection
The market is obviously large and widespread; the best sample size would be the one that is representative. As such the best way to go by is to come up with an unbiased selection criterion for a quota sample from the information of the customers available in the systems of the company. Quota sample clearly represents the rest of the potential respondents (Adams & Brace, 2006). The best criterion would be to use the geographical location (Adams & Brace, 2006). The sample size would be determined by the amount of money allocated for the research.
Scenario Two
Target Respondents
The best respondents in this case scenario will be the customers of TNT Express. Specifically, those who are using myTNT web based solution in tracking their shipment as well as those who are not using the platform to track their shipment (TNT Express, 2015). This is because the major objectives of the research would be to get an insight on the efficiency of the platform to the customers and the reasons why some are no using it. This will inform the basis of subdividing the customers into those who use the platform and those that get the services without the platform.
Research Approach
The research seeks to find out or rather explore the cause or reason as outlined in its objectives. The best approach for the research would be both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The qualitative method is used where there is need to uncover the underlying reasons and develop a hypothesis for quantitative research (Lapan, Quartaroli, & Riemer, 2012). It would be of assistance in getting to understand the levels of consumer satisfaction with the platform (Adams & Brace, 2006). Quantitative approach on the other hand, quantifies the problem through generating numerical data that is based on statistics (Vogt, 2007). The data in this case will be more structured than the qualitative approach. The quantitative method will help TNT review its stand on the system based on the statistics realized at the end (Abbott & McKinney, 2013). In this case, the opinions and attitudes will be quantified for ease in understanding and analysis as well as interpretation.
This research involving both qualitative and quantitative approach will use data collection methods from the two backgrounds. The best method from the qualitative perspective would be through interviews that will be administered to focus groups (Jensen, 2012). The focus groups will be able to represent the both sides; those using the platform and those not using it (Jensen, 2012). The moderator will ask informal and natural questions that will be answered by the respondents (Jensen, 2012). However, a limitation exists in that getting together such a group globally would be costly. Using the consumers in Australia alone would not be representative. Therefore, to back up this approach even if it is concentrated in Australia an online survey shall also be conducted alongside the focus groups. This will reach the customers in various parts of the world, is cheap and consumes little time. The timeline for an online survey could be two to three days. However, the client based focus group could also take the teleconference focus group approach where telephone networks are engaged, so as to have a worldwide coverage (Jensen, 2012).
Sample Size and Selection
To eliminate bias the customers shall be divided into those using the platform and those who do not. The division should ensure that the two groups are equally represented (Abbott & McKinney, 2013). The selection criteria should then be based on the country so as to ensure that all the 200 countries where TNT Express offers services are covered. They will be selected from the database information available from the company records. For the qualitative sample that is for focus groups, a quota will be selected to represent all the consumers fairly.
Scenario Three
Target Respondents
Subaru Australia is a company that has widespread recognition across Australia (Subaru Australia, 2015). The respondents would be those currently using the ‘all 4 the driver’ brand as well as those yet to purchase the vehicles but are using other brands from other companies. This is because the company wants to introduce a front wheel drive with the aim of providing an entry level brand that the consumers will trade up from. The respondents are widespread across Australia in this case (Subaru Australia, 2015).
Research Approach
Based on the objectives of the research and also being that the research is being conducted prior to or at earlier developmental stages, the best approach is both quantitative and qualitative method (Wiid & Diggines, 2010). The quantitative approach in this case would give a statistical representation of the perceptions, opinions and attitude of the customers on the new product. It is useful in this case because, the decision made will have a future implication on the company in question. Additionally, the sample being large and generalized, it is the surest way to obtain defined variables and generalized results. Qualitative method on the other hand will be useful in exploring the perceptions of the consumers (Adams & Brace, 2006). This will help in formulation of hypothesis for the quantitative approach (Vogt, 2007).
The research will include structured and semi-structured techniques to satisfy the quantitative and qualitative approaches respectively. In-depth interview will be conducted on the consumers so as to get a deeper understanding of the status quo and what their view is on the product (Lapan, Quartaroli, & Riemer, 2012). This might come with associated costs and time consumption as there are instances when the respondent must be rewarded for their contribution and time (Lapan, Quartaroli, & Riemer, 2012). Closed ended questionnaires will also be administered to the respondents (Jensen, 2012). The surest way to do this is through email delivery and then making follow-ups being that the geographical coverage is large (Wiid & Diggines, 2010). Questionnaires will be difficult to design and some respondents may not be willing to send them back or participate if they are not being rewarded (Jensen, 2012). However, it is the cheapest way to obtain quantitative data for quick and easier analysis.
Sample Size and Selection
The sample size should be representative of the whole consumers (Adams & Brace, 2006). The respondents as aforementioned shall be randomly selected from the company database. To meet the data requirements and avoid biasness, 50% of the consumers will be set as a threshold (Abbott & McKinney, 2013). However, the respondents on both sides should be equal or have little discrepancy (Abbott & McKinney, 2013).

Abbott, M., & McKinney, J. 2013, “Understanding and applying research design”. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Adams, K., & Brace, I. 2006, “An introduction to market & social research: Planning & using research tools & techniques”. London: Kogan Page.
Goertz, G., & Mahoney, J. 2012, "A tale of two cultures: Qualitative and quantitative research in the social sciences". Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Jensen, K. B. (2012). The handbook of media and communication research: Qualitative and quantitative methodologies. New York: Routledge.
Lapan, S. D., Quartaroli, M. T., & Riemer, F. J. 2012, "Qualitative research: An introduction to methods and designs". San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Sanitarium. 2015, "Sanitarium Health and Wellbeing Australia". Retrieved from
Subaru Australia. 2015, "Subaru Australia: New Cars, Used Cars, Test Drives". Retrieved from
TNT Express. 2015, "TNT Express - TNT Express Australia". Retrieved from
Vogt, W. P. 2007, "Quantitative research methods for professionals". Boston, MA: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
Wiid, J., & Diggines, C. 2010, "Marketing research". Lansdowne, Cape Town: Juta.

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