Saturday, 7 October 2017

The most Influential Person: My Role Model

If people do not criticize or laugh at your goals, then your goals are too small. The voice came from behind me. It was the Annual Kids Festival; I had just mentioned to my peers that my dream was to create an artistic movement, a revolution so big that Picasso would be jealous. Obviously, this was mistaken for witticism
. Everybody thought that it was ridiculous except, of course, for the mysterious voice behind me. Okay Guardian Angel, do tell. I said sarcastically. He confided in me that dreaming big was merely setting the ground; it takes willpower and passion to transform ideas through action. Here I was talking to a complete stranger, one who did not think my dreams were far-fetched unlike everybody else. He handed me a gift box. Read this, its my personal memoir, hopefully it will inspire you. He disappeared before I could thank him. I opened the box and found a book titled Dreams From My Father.
Looking back, in retrospect, nobody had even ever heard of him until he set his eyes on the Oval Office. Some say it was timing, coincidence; others say it is fate, destiny. Either way, Barrack Obama remains the most influential figure in my life to date. His words changed my life. He gave me willpower and strength to fulfil my dreams and aspirations. Even as I dreamt so big, I always felt that some of my expectations were difficult and unrealistic; what are the odds, for instance, that one would be as great as Picasso? As I read his memoirs, I learnt one very important life lesson. It is not that things are difficult that we do not try; it is because we do not try that things are difficult. This remains one of my most inspirational quotes, which Obama wrote after attending a Robin Sharma seminar on leadership.
The most important lesson here is that failure is a result of too little effort or no effort at all. I decided to pursue my artistic dream. Through willpower and inspiration, I pushed harder and harder without letting any distraction or negative attitude subvert my noble objective. As my guardian angel, Obama had urged me to keep my eye on the prize at all times; anything else would be a distraction. Before he left, he said remember son, success is never ending, failure is never final. This parting shot replays in my head every time I feel frustrated by lifes challenges. Whenever I feel as if I do not have what it takes, I always convince myself that I am destined for greatness.
The thing that inspires me the most is that when he came to the Kids Festival years ago, I would not have guessed that Barrack Obama would be who he is today. That is inspiration enough because without him, I would probably be a dreamer. Now, I am a visionary thanks to a moment that I will cherish as long as I live. There is something I find unique about Obama as my role model. He set his eyes on the prize and ignored all sorts of discouragement. He proved to everybody that true spirit and willpower are formidable tools for success. Most importantly, he proved to me that the mind is an individuals greatest strength  or worst still, the greatest weakness depending on how one uses theirs. From his success story, which is familiar to many around the world, I learnt that there could not be any possible obstacles to what one chooses to achieve.

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